
Chimney and Filter System

Chimney and Filter System Models

Chimney and Filter Systems consist of many different systems. While chimneys ensure that gases that can harm the nature are discharged to the outside, filter systems make it possible to filter these gases in the best possible way. You can find details about these systems, which are extremely important for factories where production is carried out, on the relevant pages.


Electrostatic Chimney Filter

Electrostatic Chimney Filters are chimney systems prepared to filter gas and odour particles in all industrial establishments.
Multisiklon filtre

Multicyclone Filters

Multicyclones are used for the dynamic cleaning of dust-laden waste gases such as flue gases and process air and gases.
Torbalı filtre

Bagged Filter

Bag filter units are generally used in industrial plants to keep the dust generated from the production process and spread to the environment and mixed into the air and to...
Islak filtre

Wet Filter

It is a system used to wash the smoke gas coming out of these industrial type boilers and to hold the dust. In the wet filter, basic water is used to wash the smoke gas.

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